Been doing some more electronics tinkering and put up an instructable of a self watering plant pot using a small 6v motor and an arduino to control it via a relay. I've put together a short YouTube video with it as well, i really need to work on my camera skills, more specifically the lighting as i think that's really affecting it. The instructable is here
Let me know what you think and any suggestions would be really appreciated even if it's criticism.
Epever/Epsolar output to InfluxDB/Grafana
I setup reporting for my EPever solar charge controller a while ago using using the following guide at sporadic projects . It works but have been hankering for something a little more/different and saw a posting recently of someone using grafana and influxdb to report on their PIP based solar setup so i set about recreating this and in all honesty it wasn't as bad as i thought and after a few days i've gotten something up and running. The first step was setting up my pi, i decided to reuse a aging pi1 which caused some issues as i couldn't install things from the standard repo's so it needed a little more tinkering. I documented this as i went so i hope this helps others using it on a pi1 also. The below shall download a precompiled influxdb setup and install it. It will then add a custom repo to your sources list and install grafana and then start it up and enable it at startup. Lastly it shall install php and the curl library for php and the...