Been bitten by the electronics bug lately and built a small lightup toy for my little ones which i've documented at Instructables for those who fancy having a go at it themselves. I've been amassing components so plan many more builds.
I setup reporting for my EPever solar charge controller a while ago using using the following guide at sporadic projects . It works but have been hankering for something a little more/different and saw a posting recently of someone using grafana and influxdb to report on their PIP based solar setup so i set about recreating this and in all honesty it wasn't as bad as i thought and after a few days i've gotten something up and running. The first step was setting up my pi, i decided to reuse a aging pi1 which caused some issues as i couldn't install things from the standard repo's so it needed a little more tinkering. I documented this as i went so i hope this helps others using it on a pi1 also. The below shall download a precompiled influxdb setup and install it. It will then add a custom repo to your sources list and install grafana and then start it up and enable it at startup. Lastly it shall install php and the curl library for php and the...
As i've mentioned i've gotten myself a nice Dockstar with the intention of running sabnzbd as well as episode butler. I currently have a WHS running which works well but i've always been concerned about power usage even if it is an Atom board so have decided to go the ultra low power route which i don't mind running constantly. I've had to rebuild the dockstar a few times so thought i'd create a script to make life much easier. I'm assuming that you've followed the excellent guide from Jeff at link i've used this a few times now and it's worked excellently. The only thing which caught me out was forgetting to set the boot partition as active. Anyway down to the interesting stuff, if you run the following commands on your newly setup debian dockstar you will end up with a vanila install of sabnzbd as well as episode butler. cd /tmp wget " http://shne02559.pwp. " chmod +x ./epinsta...
This has been the holy grail combination which i've messed around on off with for years now origionally utilising a Happauge PVR250 which did hardware mpeg2 encoding which seemed amazing at the time. It did however have it's drawbacks with hit and miss channel changes and the unfortunate side affect of making the picture somewhat soft although you quickly got used to that. When HD came about i gave up and switched to Sky with a SKY+ HD box and have been using that for 2 years trouble free. I have however been bitten by the bug again with the purchase of a dreambox DM600 PVR, the box on it's own isn't anything special but when combined with DVBLink from DVBLogic it provides a legal and relatively trouble free and reliable setup for having sky directly into WMC. I originally tried DVBLink for dreambox when it was first released and found it rather tricky to setup and a little bit of a pain to be honest. With the purchase of my new Revo 3610 i thought i'd give it...